Successful outcomes depend upon trusting partnerships in care. Replacing missing teeth with dental implants begins with a consultation visit to gather information about your case and discuss your interests and smile goals. We then take diagnostic records, including 3D images, to precisely analyze the anatomy and unique requirements of your smile. With this data, we can determine and discuss the right solutions for rebuilding your smile.
Surgery to place dental implants is typically considered a minor surgical procedure and performed on an outpatient basis. The exact extent of the procedure depends upon the type and number of dental implants and whether any additional procedures, like bone grafts, are required.
Communication is a vital part of patient care. During your treatment plan discussion, we’ll explain which implant solutions allow same-day restorations or temporary restorations and when permanent ones can get placed. We’ll also review your pre-surgical instructions and what to expect following the procedure.
What to bring:
It helps to come prepared. Please bring a current list of medications and your medical/and or dental insurance card. If you have a referral slip or dental x-rays, please bring them with you or request they be sent to our office electronically.